Assign a student to a Classroom based on course and scheduled hourData Model For Summarizing Student...

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Assign a student to a Classroom based on course and scheduled hour

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Each year we have to manual assign students to classes that were not included in original assignment either they are new or the class was cancelled etc,
we are talking 100s of students where we have the course and the hour but not the classroom they should be in

the database has

Students stid, yr, sem, .....
Course yr, sem, crse, hr, cls, cap ...
Student_Courses stid, yr, sem, crse, hr, cls (does not include those with no class assigned)

I managed to get all the students for the semester into a temp table to include those with no classroom assigned
I also got all the classes and their current total and their max into another temp table

(crse VARCHAR(8), hr smallint, cls smallint, cnt smallint, cap smallint)
(st_id CHAR(8), crse VARCHAR(8), hr smallint, cls smallint)
('math1', 1, 15, 8, 15),
('math1', 1, 16, 10, 25),
('math1', 2, 11, 11, 25),
('math1', 2, 10, 10, 25),
('math2', 1, 11, 7, 10),
('math2', 3, 15, 8, 15),
('math2', 3, 16, 9, 10),
('math2', 4, 10, 9, 10),
('math3', 2, 15, 11, 20),
('math3', 2, 16, 12, 20),
('math3', 2, 18, 13, 20),
('eng1', 1, 12, 6, 10),
('eng2', 2, 11, 7, 15),
('eng2', 2, 12, 8, 15),
('eng2', 3, 13, 9, 25),
('eng3', 2, 13, 10, 15),
('eng3', 2, 15, 12, 15),
('eng3', 2, 12, 13, 15)
('Y180750', 'math1', 1, 10)
, ('Y180750', 'eng2', 2, null)
, ('Y180750', 'math2', 3, 15)
, ('Y180753', 'math2', 3, null)
, ('Y180753', 'eng2', 2, 11)
, ('Y180755', 'math1', 1, 10)
, ('Y180755', 'math3', 2, null)
, ('Y180757', 'eng1', 1, 12)
, ('Y180757', 'math2', 3, 15)
, ('Y180757', 'eng3', 2, 13)
, ('Y180760', 'math1', 2, null)
, ('Y180761', 'math2', 4, 10)
, ('Y180762', 'math3', 2, 15)
, ('Y180765', 'eng1', 1, 12)
, ('Y180764', 'eng3', 2, null)
SELECT a.st_id ,a.crse ,
into #tmp_st2cls_nul
FROM @St2Cls a
where a.cls is null
ORDER BY a.crse ,
SELECT * FROM #tmp_st2cls_nul tnul

What I am trying to do now is go through #tmp_st2cls_nul (again 100s or 1000s) and assign them to a class in @Crse based on the hour (hr), count (cnt) and capacity (cap) and add the results to another table, say St2Cls_final, which will have all the students for the semester with classes

My first thought was to do a for each #tmp_st2cls_nul find the matching crse/hr and add to a classroom if cnt < cap
but then there will be classes with total equal to max and some with very little number of students.
I was looking at something like
that would register the student to the class based on how full it is, adding to the lowest cnt first so just doing a

  IF cnt <=  cap THEN
insert into St2Cls_final values(st_id, crse, hr, cls);

would not work.

then I thought maybe if we go through #tmp_st2cls_nul based on crs/hr and create a #tmp_crse_hr table and go through #tmp_st2cls_nul for each missing cls in #tmp_crse_hr but was told that might be to resource intensive and add more to code since we would have to create a #tmp_crse_hr for each null class go through #tmp_st2cls_nul till there were none and start again with next null.
any thoughts please.

EDIT1: at times some course hours may have more students than the total max for each classroom therefore max/classroom is NOT as important as having as close to an equal amount in each classroom as possible.
what we have done is added another table which gives us ONLY those courses that have a student with a null class

SELECT a.crse,, count(*) AS total
into #tmp_crse_hr_nul
FROM #tmp_st2cls_nul a
GROUP BY a.crse,

So we have a count of how many times we need to go thru (loop!!) crse/hr in @Crse for a classroom

Just seem like we have too many tables and not much else going on.
Any help appreciated.

EDIT 2: Ideally the output (St2Cls_final) would be

st_id   crse    hr  cls
Y180750 math1 1 10
Y180750 eng2 2 **11**
Y180750 math2 3 15
Y180753 math2 3 **15**
Y180753 eng2 2 11
Y180755 math1 1 10
Y180755 math3 2 **15**
Y180757 eng1 1 12
Y180757 math2 3 15
Y180757 eng3 2 13
Y180760 math1 2 **10**
Y180761 math2 4 10
Y180762 math3 2 15
Y180765 eng1 1 12
Y180764 eng3 2 **13**

assigning the student to the crse/hr/cls with the lowest cnt first

share|improve this question

bumped to the homepage by Community 6 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • Your question seem nice but actually it is not so clear.Table name is not ok.Can you repeat your requirement point wise.Do you need all students who couldn't attend class ? Also those student who didn't complete their hours ?

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 3 '18 at 6:13

  • I have updated the question, I hope that better explains. The nulls need to be cls from @Crse based on the lowest cnt (then max capacity cap, but that isn't as important as adding student to smallest class first)

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 7:22

  • OK I think I see what you mean by table is not ok now. I have corrected @crse to have courses with same hr as it should be. For example there may be math3 at 1pm in 3 different classes (math3 hr -2 classes 15,16, 18) and class 15 has the least # of students add student Y180755 to class 15

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 8:03

  • Your question helped me answer a problem I was trying to solve myself. CHEERS

    – CrashWave
    Dec 3 '18 at 15:40


Each year we have to manual assign students to classes that were not included in original assignment either they are new or the class was cancelled etc,
we are talking 100s of students where we have the course and the hour but not the classroom they should be in

the database has

Students stid, yr, sem, .....
Course yr, sem, crse, hr, cls, cap ...
Student_Courses stid, yr, sem, crse, hr, cls (does not include those with no class assigned)

I managed to get all the students for the semester into a temp table to include those with no classroom assigned
I also got all the classes and their current total and their max into another temp table

(crse VARCHAR(8), hr smallint, cls smallint, cnt smallint, cap smallint)
(st_id CHAR(8), crse VARCHAR(8), hr smallint, cls smallint)
('math1', 1, 15, 8, 15),
('math1', 1, 16, 10, 25),
('math1', 2, 11, 11, 25),
('math1', 2, 10, 10, 25),
('math2', 1, 11, 7, 10),
('math2', 3, 15, 8, 15),
('math2', 3, 16, 9, 10),
('math2', 4, 10, 9, 10),
('math3', 2, 15, 11, 20),
('math3', 2, 16, 12, 20),
('math3', 2, 18, 13, 20),
('eng1', 1, 12, 6, 10),
('eng2', 2, 11, 7, 15),
('eng2', 2, 12, 8, 15),
('eng2', 3, 13, 9, 25),
('eng3', 2, 13, 10, 15),
('eng3', 2, 15, 12, 15),
('eng3', 2, 12, 13, 15)
('Y180750', 'math1', 1, 10)
, ('Y180750', 'eng2', 2, null)
, ('Y180750', 'math2', 3, 15)
, ('Y180753', 'math2', 3, null)
, ('Y180753', 'eng2', 2, 11)
, ('Y180755', 'math1', 1, 10)
, ('Y180755', 'math3', 2, null)
, ('Y180757', 'eng1', 1, 12)
, ('Y180757', 'math2', 3, 15)
, ('Y180757', 'eng3', 2, 13)
, ('Y180760', 'math1', 2, null)
, ('Y180761', 'math2', 4, 10)
, ('Y180762', 'math3', 2, 15)
, ('Y180765', 'eng1', 1, 12)
, ('Y180764', 'eng3', 2, null)
SELECT a.st_id ,a.crse ,
into #tmp_st2cls_nul
FROM @St2Cls a
where a.cls is null
ORDER BY a.crse ,
SELECT * FROM #tmp_st2cls_nul tnul

What I am trying to do now is go through #tmp_st2cls_nul (again 100s or 1000s) and assign them to a class in @Crse based on the hour (hr), count (cnt) and capacity (cap) and add the results to another table, say St2Cls_final, which will have all the students for the semester with classes

My first thought was to do a for each #tmp_st2cls_nul find the matching crse/hr and add to a classroom if cnt < cap
but then there will be classes with total equal to max and some with very little number of students.
I was looking at something like
that would register the student to the class based on how full it is, adding to the lowest cnt first so just doing a

  IF cnt <=  cap THEN
insert into St2Cls_final values(st_id, crse, hr, cls);

would not work.

then I thought maybe if we go through #tmp_st2cls_nul based on crs/hr and create a #tmp_crse_hr table and go through #tmp_st2cls_nul for each missing cls in #tmp_crse_hr but was told that might be to resource intensive and add more to code since we would have to create a #tmp_crse_hr for each null class go through #tmp_st2cls_nul till there were none and start again with next null.
any thoughts please.

EDIT1: at times some course hours may have more students than the total max for each classroom therefore max/classroom is NOT as important as having as close to an equal amount in each classroom as possible.
what we have done is added another table which gives us ONLY those courses that have a student with a null class

SELECT a.crse,, count(*) AS total
into #tmp_crse_hr_nul
FROM #tmp_st2cls_nul a
GROUP BY a.crse,

So we have a count of how many times we need to go thru (loop!!) crse/hr in @Crse for a classroom

Just seem like we have too many tables and not much else going on.
Any help appreciated.

EDIT 2: Ideally the output (St2Cls_final) would be

st_id   crse    hr  cls
Y180750 math1 1 10
Y180750 eng2 2 **11**
Y180750 math2 3 15
Y180753 math2 3 **15**
Y180753 eng2 2 11
Y180755 math1 1 10
Y180755 math3 2 **15**
Y180757 eng1 1 12
Y180757 math2 3 15
Y180757 eng3 2 13
Y180760 math1 2 **10**
Y180761 math2 4 10
Y180762 math3 2 15
Y180765 eng1 1 12
Y180764 eng3 2 **13**

assigning the student to the crse/hr/cls with the lowest cnt first

share|improve this question

bumped to the homepage by Community 6 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • Your question seem nice but actually it is not so clear.Table name is not ok.Can you repeat your requirement point wise.Do you need all students who couldn't attend class ? Also those student who didn't complete their hours ?

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 3 '18 at 6:13

  • I have updated the question, I hope that better explains. The nulls need to be cls from @Crse based on the lowest cnt (then max capacity cap, but that isn't as important as adding student to smallest class first)

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 7:22

  • OK I think I see what you mean by table is not ok now. I have corrected @crse to have courses with same hr as it should be. For example there may be math3 at 1pm in 3 different classes (math3 hr -2 classes 15,16, 18) and class 15 has the least # of students add student Y180755 to class 15

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 8:03

  • Your question helped me answer a problem I was trying to solve myself. CHEERS

    – CrashWave
    Dec 3 '18 at 15:40





Each year we have to manual assign students to classes that were not included in original assignment either they are new or the class was cancelled etc,
we are talking 100s of students where we have the course and the hour but not the classroom they should be in

the database has

Students stid, yr, sem, .....
Course yr, sem, crse, hr, cls, cap ...
Student_Courses stid, yr, sem, crse, hr, cls (does not include those with no class assigned)

I managed to get all the students for the semester into a temp table to include those with no classroom assigned
I also got all the classes and their current total and their max into another temp table

(crse VARCHAR(8), hr smallint, cls smallint, cnt smallint, cap smallint)
(st_id CHAR(8), crse VARCHAR(8), hr smallint, cls smallint)
('math1', 1, 15, 8, 15),
('math1', 1, 16, 10, 25),
('math1', 2, 11, 11, 25),
('math1', 2, 10, 10, 25),
('math2', 1, 11, 7, 10),
('math2', 3, 15, 8, 15),
('math2', 3, 16, 9, 10),
('math2', 4, 10, 9, 10),
('math3', 2, 15, 11, 20),
('math3', 2, 16, 12, 20),
('math3', 2, 18, 13, 20),
('eng1', 1, 12, 6, 10),
('eng2', 2, 11, 7, 15),
('eng2', 2, 12, 8, 15),
('eng2', 3, 13, 9, 25),
('eng3', 2, 13, 10, 15),
('eng3', 2, 15, 12, 15),
('eng3', 2, 12, 13, 15)
('Y180750', 'math1', 1, 10)
, ('Y180750', 'eng2', 2, null)
, ('Y180750', 'math2', 3, 15)
, ('Y180753', 'math2', 3, null)
, ('Y180753', 'eng2', 2, 11)
, ('Y180755', 'math1', 1, 10)
, ('Y180755', 'math3', 2, null)
, ('Y180757', 'eng1', 1, 12)
, ('Y180757', 'math2', 3, 15)
, ('Y180757', 'eng3', 2, 13)
, ('Y180760', 'math1', 2, null)
, ('Y180761', 'math2', 4, 10)
, ('Y180762', 'math3', 2, 15)
, ('Y180765', 'eng1', 1, 12)
, ('Y180764', 'eng3', 2, null)
SELECT a.st_id ,a.crse ,
into #tmp_st2cls_nul
FROM @St2Cls a
where a.cls is null
ORDER BY a.crse ,
SELECT * FROM #tmp_st2cls_nul tnul

What I am trying to do now is go through #tmp_st2cls_nul (again 100s or 1000s) and assign them to a class in @Crse based on the hour (hr), count (cnt) and capacity (cap) and add the results to another table, say St2Cls_final, which will have all the students for the semester with classes

My first thought was to do a for each #tmp_st2cls_nul find the matching crse/hr and add to a classroom if cnt < cap
but then there will be classes with total equal to max and some with very little number of students.
I was looking at something like
that would register the student to the class based on how full it is, adding to the lowest cnt first so just doing a

  IF cnt <=  cap THEN
insert into St2Cls_final values(st_id, crse, hr, cls);

would not work.

then I thought maybe if we go through #tmp_st2cls_nul based on crs/hr and create a #tmp_crse_hr table and go through #tmp_st2cls_nul for each missing cls in #tmp_crse_hr but was told that might be to resource intensive and add more to code since we would have to create a #tmp_crse_hr for each null class go through #tmp_st2cls_nul till there were none and start again with next null.
any thoughts please.

EDIT1: at times some course hours may have more students than the total max for each classroom therefore max/classroom is NOT as important as having as close to an equal amount in each classroom as possible.
what we have done is added another table which gives us ONLY those courses that have a student with a null class

SELECT a.crse,, count(*) AS total
into #tmp_crse_hr_nul
FROM #tmp_st2cls_nul a
GROUP BY a.crse,

So we have a count of how many times we need to go thru (loop!!) crse/hr in @Crse for a classroom

Just seem like we have too many tables and not much else going on.
Any help appreciated.

EDIT 2: Ideally the output (St2Cls_final) would be

st_id   crse    hr  cls
Y180750 math1 1 10
Y180750 eng2 2 **11**
Y180750 math2 3 15
Y180753 math2 3 **15**
Y180753 eng2 2 11
Y180755 math1 1 10
Y180755 math3 2 **15**
Y180757 eng1 1 12
Y180757 math2 3 15
Y180757 eng3 2 13
Y180760 math1 2 **10**
Y180761 math2 4 10
Y180762 math3 2 15
Y180765 eng1 1 12
Y180764 eng3 2 **13**

assigning the student to the crse/hr/cls with the lowest cnt first

share|improve this question

Each year we have to manual assign students to classes that were not included in original assignment either they are new or the class was cancelled etc,
we are talking 100s of students where we have the course and the hour but not the classroom they should be in

the database has

Students stid, yr, sem, .....
Course yr, sem, crse, hr, cls, cap ...
Student_Courses stid, yr, sem, crse, hr, cls (does not include those with no class assigned)

I managed to get all the students for the semester into a temp table to include those with no classroom assigned
I also got all the classes and their current total and their max into another temp table

(crse VARCHAR(8), hr smallint, cls smallint, cnt smallint, cap smallint)
(st_id CHAR(8), crse VARCHAR(8), hr smallint, cls smallint)
('math1', 1, 15, 8, 15),
('math1', 1, 16, 10, 25),
('math1', 2, 11, 11, 25),
('math1', 2, 10, 10, 25),
('math2', 1, 11, 7, 10),
('math2', 3, 15, 8, 15),
('math2', 3, 16, 9, 10),
('math2', 4, 10, 9, 10),
('math3', 2, 15, 11, 20),
('math3', 2, 16, 12, 20),
('math3', 2, 18, 13, 20),
('eng1', 1, 12, 6, 10),
('eng2', 2, 11, 7, 15),
('eng2', 2, 12, 8, 15),
('eng2', 3, 13, 9, 25),
('eng3', 2, 13, 10, 15),
('eng3', 2, 15, 12, 15),
('eng3', 2, 12, 13, 15)
('Y180750', 'math1', 1, 10)
, ('Y180750', 'eng2', 2, null)
, ('Y180750', 'math2', 3, 15)
, ('Y180753', 'math2', 3, null)
, ('Y180753', 'eng2', 2, 11)
, ('Y180755', 'math1', 1, 10)
, ('Y180755', 'math3', 2, null)
, ('Y180757', 'eng1', 1, 12)
, ('Y180757', 'math2', 3, 15)
, ('Y180757', 'eng3', 2, 13)
, ('Y180760', 'math1', 2, null)
, ('Y180761', 'math2', 4, 10)
, ('Y180762', 'math3', 2, 15)
, ('Y180765', 'eng1', 1, 12)
, ('Y180764', 'eng3', 2, null)
SELECT a.st_id ,a.crse ,
into #tmp_st2cls_nul
FROM @St2Cls a
where a.cls is null
ORDER BY a.crse ,
SELECT * FROM #tmp_st2cls_nul tnul

What I am trying to do now is go through #tmp_st2cls_nul (again 100s or 1000s) and assign them to a class in @Crse based on the hour (hr), count (cnt) and capacity (cap) and add the results to another table, say St2Cls_final, which will have all the students for the semester with classes

My first thought was to do a for each #tmp_st2cls_nul find the matching crse/hr and add to a classroom if cnt < cap
but then there will be classes with total equal to max and some with very little number of students.
I was looking at something like
that would register the student to the class based on how full it is, adding to the lowest cnt first so just doing a

  IF cnt <=  cap THEN
insert into St2Cls_final values(st_id, crse, hr, cls);

would not work.

then I thought maybe if we go through #tmp_st2cls_nul based on crs/hr and create a #tmp_crse_hr table and go through #tmp_st2cls_nul for each missing cls in #tmp_crse_hr but was told that might be to resource intensive and add more to code since we would have to create a #tmp_crse_hr for each null class go through #tmp_st2cls_nul till there were none and start again with next null.
any thoughts please.

EDIT1: at times some course hours may have more students than the total max for each classroom therefore max/classroom is NOT as important as having as close to an equal amount in each classroom as possible.
what we have done is added another table which gives us ONLY those courses that have a student with a null class

SELECT a.crse,, count(*) AS total
into #tmp_crse_hr_nul
FROM #tmp_st2cls_nul a
GROUP BY a.crse,

So we have a count of how many times we need to go thru (loop!!) crse/hr in @Crse for a classroom

Just seem like we have too many tables and not much else going on.
Any help appreciated.

EDIT 2: Ideally the output (St2Cls_final) would be

st_id   crse    hr  cls
Y180750 math1 1 10
Y180750 eng2 2 **11**
Y180750 math2 3 15
Y180753 math2 3 **15**
Y180753 eng2 2 11
Y180755 math1 1 10
Y180755 math3 2 **15**
Y180757 eng1 1 12
Y180757 math2 3 15
Y180757 eng3 2 13
Y180760 math1 2 **10**
Y180761 math2 4 10
Y180762 math3 2 15
Y180765 eng1 1 12
Y180764 eng3 2 **13**

assigning the student to the crse/hr/cls with the lowest cnt first

sql-server t-sql

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Dec 3 '18 at 9:13


asked Dec 2 '18 at 21:47




bumped to the homepage by Community 6 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

bumped to the homepage by Community 6 mins ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • Your question seem nice but actually it is not so clear.Table name is not ok.Can you repeat your requirement point wise.Do you need all students who couldn't attend class ? Also those student who didn't complete their hours ?

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 3 '18 at 6:13

  • I have updated the question, I hope that better explains. The nulls need to be cls from @Crse based on the lowest cnt (then max capacity cap, but that isn't as important as adding student to smallest class first)

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 7:22

  • OK I think I see what you mean by table is not ok now. I have corrected @crse to have courses with same hr as it should be. For example there may be math3 at 1pm in 3 different classes (math3 hr -2 classes 15,16, 18) and class 15 has the least # of students add student Y180755 to class 15

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 8:03

  • Your question helped me answer a problem I was trying to solve myself. CHEERS

    – CrashWave
    Dec 3 '18 at 15:40

  • Your question seem nice but actually it is not so clear.Table name is not ok.Can you repeat your requirement point wise.Do you need all students who couldn't attend class ? Also those student who didn't complete their hours ?

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 3 '18 at 6:13

  • I have updated the question, I hope that better explains. The nulls need to be cls from @Crse based on the lowest cnt (then max capacity cap, but that isn't as important as adding student to smallest class first)

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 7:22

  • OK I think I see what you mean by table is not ok now. I have corrected @crse to have courses with same hr as it should be. For example there may be math3 at 1pm in 3 different classes (math3 hr -2 classes 15,16, 18) and class 15 has the least # of students add student Y180755 to class 15

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 8:03

  • Your question helped me answer a problem I was trying to solve myself. CHEERS

    – CrashWave
    Dec 3 '18 at 15:40

Your question seem nice but actually it is not so clear.Table name is not ok.Can you repeat your requirement point wise.Do you need all students who couldn't attend class ? Also those student who didn't complete their hours ?

– KumarHarsh
Dec 3 '18 at 6:13

Your question seem nice but actually it is not so clear.Table name is not ok.Can you repeat your requirement point wise.Do you need all students who couldn't attend class ? Also those student who didn't complete their hours ?

– KumarHarsh
Dec 3 '18 at 6:13

I have updated the question, I hope that better explains. The nulls need to be cls from @Crse based on the lowest cnt (then max capacity cap, but that isn't as important as adding student to smallest class first)

– Amommy
Dec 3 '18 at 7:22

I have updated the question, I hope that better explains. The nulls need to be cls from @Crse based on the lowest cnt (then max capacity cap, but that isn't as important as adding student to smallest class first)

– Amommy
Dec 3 '18 at 7:22

OK I think I see what you mean by table is not ok now. I have corrected @crse to have courses with same hr as it should be. For example there may be math3 at 1pm in 3 different classes (math3 hr -2 classes 15,16, 18) and class 15 has the least # of students add student Y180755 to class 15

– Amommy
Dec 3 '18 at 8:03

OK I think I see what you mean by table is not ok now. I have corrected @crse to have courses with same hr as it should be. For example there may be math3 at 1pm in 3 different classes (math3 hr -2 classes 15,16, 18) and class 15 has the least # of students add student Y180755 to class 15

– Amommy
Dec 3 '18 at 8:03

Your question helped me answer a problem I was trying to solve myself. CHEERS

– CrashWave
Dec 3 '18 at 15:40

Your question helped me answer a problem I was trying to solve myself. CHEERS

– CrashWave
Dec 3 '18 at 15:40

1 Answer





Since the output is still not clear.

I have decided to show my output and ask about mismatch output.Output is not 100% correct.

SELECT sc.st_id, 
WHEN ( sc.cls ) <= c.cls THEN ( sc.cls )
ELSE c.cls
FROM @Student2Class sc
CROSS apply(SELECT TOP 1 cls
FROM @Course c
WHERE sc.crse = c.crse
AND = --added amommy
cap DESC)c

Why the output of following is so ?

Y180753     math2   3   **15**
Y180757 math2 1 15
Y180760 math1 2 **10**

what is the criteria of assigning class ?List all factors.

share|improve this answer

  • I have corrected it to show the right class. This is great however the problem would be when a student is added to that class the cnt would change to cnt+1 for each st_id added to crse-hr-cls.A class that had only 5 students could end up with 50+ at the end and another would still have 7 or some other small cnt>5.

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 10:11

  • @Amommy , can you explain this line onwards ,"Why the output of following is so ?.."

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 3 '18 at 10:58

  • crse math2 hr 3 is taking place in two classrooms cls 15 &16 math2 3 15 8 15 math2 3 16 9 10 These are not the same EXACT classes happening at the same time, they may have different instructors or be selfstudy or online. classroom 15 has 8 students (cnt) and 16 has 9. therefore the next classroom to add a student to would be 15. then after that 15=16 with a count of 9. add another student to EITHER one, say 16, then 16=10cnt and 15=9cnt, then the next student would need to go to cls 15. Hope that helps :)

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 11:17

  • @Amommy, can you throw sample and expected output for which my query is not working ?

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 8 '18 at 6:04

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1 Answer




1 Answer











Since the output is still not clear.

I have decided to show my output and ask about mismatch output.Output is not 100% correct.

SELECT sc.st_id, 
WHEN ( sc.cls ) <= c.cls THEN ( sc.cls )
ELSE c.cls
FROM @Student2Class sc
CROSS apply(SELECT TOP 1 cls
FROM @Course c
WHERE sc.crse = c.crse
AND = --added amommy
cap DESC)c

Why the output of following is so ?

Y180753     math2   3   **15**
Y180757 math2 1 15
Y180760 math1 2 **10**

what is the criteria of assigning class ?List all factors.

share|improve this answer

  • I have corrected it to show the right class. This is great however the problem would be when a student is added to that class the cnt would change to cnt+1 for each st_id added to crse-hr-cls.A class that had only 5 students could end up with 50+ at the end and another would still have 7 or some other small cnt>5.

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 10:11

  • @Amommy , can you explain this line onwards ,"Why the output of following is so ?.."

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 3 '18 at 10:58

  • crse math2 hr 3 is taking place in two classrooms cls 15 &16 math2 3 15 8 15 math2 3 16 9 10 These are not the same EXACT classes happening at the same time, they may have different instructors or be selfstudy or online. classroom 15 has 8 students (cnt) and 16 has 9. therefore the next classroom to add a student to would be 15. then after that 15=16 with a count of 9. add another student to EITHER one, say 16, then 16=10cnt and 15=9cnt, then the next student would need to go to cls 15. Hope that helps :)

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 11:17

  • @Amommy, can you throw sample and expected output for which my query is not working ?

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 8 '18 at 6:04


Since the output is still not clear.

I have decided to show my output and ask about mismatch output.Output is not 100% correct.

SELECT sc.st_id, 
WHEN ( sc.cls ) <= c.cls THEN ( sc.cls )
ELSE c.cls
FROM @Student2Class sc
CROSS apply(SELECT TOP 1 cls
FROM @Course c
WHERE sc.crse = c.crse
AND = --added amommy
cap DESC)c

Why the output of following is so ?

Y180753     math2   3   **15**
Y180757 math2 1 15
Y180760 math1 2 **10**

what is the criteria of assigning class ?List all factors.

share|improve this answer

  • I have corrected it to show the right class. This is great however the problem would be when a student is added to that class the cnt would change to cnt+1 for each st_id added to crse-hr-cls.A class that had only 5 students could end up with 50+ at the end and another would still have 7 or some other small cnt>5.

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 10:11

  • @Amommy , can you explain this line onwards ,"Why the output of following is so ?.."

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 3 '18 at 10:58

  • crse math2 hr 3 is taking place in two classrooms cls 15 &16 math2 3 15 8 15 math2 3 16 9 10 These are not the same EXACT classes happening at the same time, they may have different instructors or be selfstudy or online. classroom 15 has 8 students (cnt) and 16 has 9. therefore the next classroom to add a student to would be 15. then after that 15=16 with a count of 9. add another student to EITHER one, say 16, then 16=10cnt and 15=9cnt, then the next student would need to go to cls 15. Hope that helps :)

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 11:17

  • @Amommy, can you throw sample and expected output for which my query is not working ?

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 8 '18 at 6:04




Since the output is still not clear.

I have decided to show my output and ask about mismatch output.Output is not 100% correct.

SELECT sc.st_id, 
WHEN ( sc.cls ) <= c.cls THEN ( sc.cls )
ELSE c.cls
FROM @Student2Class sc
CROSS apply(SELECT TOP 1 cls
FROM @Course c
WHERE sc.crse = c.crse
AND = --added amommy
cap DESC)c

Why the output of following is so ?

Y180753     math2   3   **15**
Y180757 math2 1 15
Y180760 math1 2 **10**

what is the criteria of assigning class ?List all factors.

share|improve this answer

Since the output is still not clear.

I have decided to show my output and ask about mismatch output.Output is not 100% correct.

SELECT sc.st_id, 
WHEN ( sc.cls ) <= c.cls THEN ( sc.cls )
ELSE c.cls
FROM @Student2Class sc
CROSS apply(SELECT TOP 1 cls
FROM @Course c
WHERE sc.crse = c.crse
AND = --added amommy
cap DESC)c

Why the output of following is so ?

Y180753     math2   3   **15**
Y180757 math2 1 15
Y180760 math1 2 **10**

what is the criteria of assigning class ?List all factors.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited Dec 3 '18 at 10:56

answered Dec 3 '18 at 9:09




  • I have corrected it to show the right class. This is great however the problem would be when a student is added to that class the cnt would change to cnt+1 for each st_id added to crse-hr-cls.A class that had only 5 students could end up with 50+ at the end and another would still have 7 or some other small cnt>5.

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 10:11

  • @Amommy , can you explain this line onwards ,"Why the output of following is so ?.."

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 3 '18 at 10:58

  • crse math2 hr 3 is taking place in two classrooms cls 15 &16 math2 3 15 8 15 math2 3 16 9 10 These are not the same EXACT classes happening at the same time, they may have different instructors or be selfstudy or online. classroom 15 has 8 students (cnt) and 16 has 9. therefore the next classroom to add a student to would be 15. then after that 15=16 with a count of 9. add another student to EITHER one, say 16, then 16=10cnt and 15=9cnt, then the next student would need to go to cls 15. Hope that helps :)

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 11:17

  • @Amommy, can you throw sample and expected output for which my query is not working ?

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 8 '18 at 6:04

  • I have corrected it to show the right class. This is great however the problem would be when a student is added to that class the cnt would change to cnt+1 for each st_id added to crse-hr-cls.A class that had only 5 students could end up with 50+ at the end and another would still have 7 or some other small cnt>5.

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 10:11

  • @Amommy , can you explain this line onwards ,"Why the output of following is so ?.."

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 3 '18 at 10:58

  • crse math2 hr 3 is taking place in two classrooms cls 15 &16 math2 3 15 8 15 math2 3 16 9 10 These are not the same EXACT classes happening at the same time, they may have different instructors or be selfstudy or online. classroom 15 has 8 students (cnt) and 16 has 9. therefore the next classroom to add a student to would be 15. then after that 15=16 with a count of 9. add another student to EITHER one, say 16, then 16=10cnt and 15=9cnt, then the next student would need to go to cls 15. Hope that helps :)

    – Amommy
    Dec 3 '18 at 11:17

  • @Amommy, can you throw sample and expected output for which my query is not working ?

    – KumarHarsh
    Dec 8 '18 at 6:04

I have corrected it to show the right class. This is great however the problem would be when a student is added to that class the cnt would change to cnt+1 for each st_id added to crse-hr-cls.A class that had only 5 students could end up with 50+ at the end and another would still have 7 or some other small cnt>5.

– Amommy
Dec 3 '18 at 10:11

I have corrected it to show the right class. This is great however the problem would be when a student is added to that class the cnt would change to cnt+1 for each st_id added to crse-hr-cls.A class that had only 5 students could end up with 50+ at the end and another would still have 7 or some other small cnt>5.

– Amommy
Dec 3 '18 at 10:11

@Amommy , can you explain this line onwards ,"Why the output of following is so ?.."

– KumarHarsh
Dec 3 '18 at 10:58

@Amommy , can you explain this line onwards ,"Why the output of following is so ?.."

– KumarHarsh
Dec 3 '18 at 10:58

crse math2 hr 3 is taking place in two classrooms cls 15 &16 math2 3 15 8 15 math2 3 16 9 10 These are not the same EXACT classes happening at the same time, they may have different instructors or be selfstudy or online. classroom 15 has 8 students (cnt) and 16 has 9. therefore the next classroom to add a student to would be 15. then after that 15=16 with a count of 9. add another student to EITHER one, say 16, then 16=10cnt and 15=9cnt, then the next student would need to go to cls 15. Hope that helps :)

– Amommy
Dec 3 '18 at 11:17

crse math2 hr 3 is taking place in two classrooms cls 15 &16 math2 3 15 8 15 math2 3 16 9 10 These are not the same EXACT classes happening at the same time, they may have different instructors or be selfstudy or online. classroom 15 has 8 students (cnt) and 16 has 9. therefore the next classroom to add a student to would be 15. then after that 15=16 with a count of 9. add another student to EITHER one, say 16, then 16=10cnt and 15=9cnt, then the next student would need to go to cls 15. Hope that helps :)

– Amommy
Dec 3 '18 at 11:17

@Amommy, can you throw sample and expected output for which my query is not working ?

– KumarHarsh
Dec 8 '18 at 6:04

@Amommy, can you throw sample and expected output for which my query is not working ?

– KumarHarsh
Dec 8 '18 at 6:04

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